Roger is a lifelong resident of Jefferson County. He currently lives in Woodlawn and has been married to his wife, Neesa, for
nearly 17 years. They have two sons. Roger is very active in the community serving as a Little League coach and volunteer for several years. Roger enjoys cooking and baking, and puts his kitchen talents to use by participating in, and organizing, fundraisers for individuals and community organizations, such as Men Cooking for CASA. Roger also enjoys mowing and plowing snow, both of which he uses to bless others in the community. He also serves as an Elder at Fouts Christian Church. Professionally, Roger has been a public servant his whole professional career. He started out working as an EMT-Paramedic at Litton Ambulance before going on to work at the Mt. Vernon Police Department. He has served as a law enforcement officer for 25 years. The last 16 years, Roger has been the lead crime scene investigator for the department achieving the rank of Sergeant. Along with time as a paramedic and police officer, Roger has also served over 30 years as a volunteer firefighter with time on both the Jefferson Fire Protection District and Woodlawn Fire Protection District. He currently is a certified First Responder and Firefighter II. Roger has investigated too many homicides, suicides, and accidental deaths to count during his time as a crime scene detective. He has had the heart wrenching task of notifying family of the passing of a loved one, and has had the strength and compassion to handle sensitive cases involving the deaths of children. He is known by his fellow investigators as having a keen eye for details and the professionalism the Office of Coroner demands. Roger's professional career has prepared him and given him the experience he needs to serve the people of Jefferson County as their County Coroner. |